ID | Description | Anchor Points |
OBJ_VLINE | Vertical Line | One anchor point. Actually only the time coordinate is used. |
OBJ_HLINE | Horizontal Line | One anchor point. Actually only the price coordinate is used. |
OBJ_TREND | Trend Line | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE | Trend Line By Angle | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_CYCLES | Cycle Lines | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_ARROWED_LINE | Arrowed Line | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_CHANNEL | Equidistant Channel | Three anchor points. |
OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL | Standard Deviation Channel | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_REGRESSION | Linear Regression Channel | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_PITCHFORK | Andrews’ Pitchfork | Three anchor points. |
OBJ_GANNLINE | Gann Line | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_GANNFAN | Gann Fan | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_GANNGRID | Gann Grid | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_FIBO | Fibonacci Retracement | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_FIBOTIMES | Fibonacci Time Zones | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_FIBOFAN | Fibonacci Fan | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_FIBOARC | Fibonacci Arcs | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL | Fibonacci Channel | Three anchor points. |
OBJ_EXPANSION | Fibonacci Expansion | Three anchor points. |
OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE5 | Elliott Motive Wave | Five anchor points. |
OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE3 | Elliott Correction Wave | Three anchor points. |
OBJ_RECTANGLE | Rectangle | Two anchor points. |
OBJ_TRIANGLE | Triangle | Three anchor points. |
OBJ_ELLIPSE | Ellipse | Three anchor points. |
OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_UP | Thumbs Up | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_DOWN | Thumbs Down | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_UP | Arrow Up | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_DOWN | Arrow Down | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_STOP | Stop Sign | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_CHECK | Check Sign | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_LEFT_PRICE | Left Price Label | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE | Right Price Label | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_BUY | Buy Sign | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW_SELL | Sell Sign | One anchor point. |
OBJ_ARROW | Arrow | One anchor point. |
OBJ_TEXT | Text | One anchor point. |
OBJ_LABEL | Label | Position is set using the OBJPROP_XDISTANCE and OBJPROP_YDISTANCE properties. |
OBJ_BUTTON | Button | Position is set using the OBJPROP_XDISTANCE and OBJPROP_YDISTANCE properties. |
OBJ_CHART | Chart | Position is set using the OBJPROP_XDISTANCE and OBJPROP_YDISTANCE properties. |
OBJ_BITMAP | Bitmap | One anchor point. |
OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL | Bitmap Label | Position is set using the OBJPROP_XDISTANCE and OBJPROP_YDISTANCE properties. |
OBJ_EDIT | Edit | Position is set using the OBJPROP_XDISTANCE and OBJPROP_YDISTANCE properties. |
OBJ_EVENT | The "Event" object corresponding to an event in the economic calendar | One anchor point. Actually only the time coordinate is used. |
OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL | The "Rectangle label" object for creating and designing the custom graphical interface. | Position is set using the OBJPROP_XDISTANCE and OBJPROP_YDISTANCE properties. |